The Demand for Gas Cleaning Technology
As environmental requirements continue to change, the demand for better gas-cleaning technology grows. This trend has continued to push the development of a relatively old technology – the wet electrostatic precipitator (wet ESP, or WESP).
The man who first developed the concept of the wet ESP was Dr. Frederick Cottrell. First used in 1910 at a smelter in California for the collection of sulfuric acid mist, the wet ESP led to the development of the dry ESP. Until 1970, the wet precipitation technology remained a mainstay for acid mist control, but nothing else. The dry ESP became the dominant version of precipitation technology. Dry ESPs were used on thousands of boilers and furnaces around the world. In 1970, the regulatory push mandated by the landmark Clean Air Act rejuvenated interest in wet ESPs. Since the Clean Air Act, numerous innovative improvements in wet ESPs have led to opportunities in applications never anticipated. Contact LDX Solutions to find out more.